Rusizi: Javanix launched his first album but planned tickets...

On 11 December evening, Javanix did unforgettable history in Rusizi town where he...

AFRIMMA 2021: Meddy and The Ben went arms akimbo, Diamond...

In the night of 12 December 2021, at US America given various awards of music. Diamond...

Ariel Wayz breaks internet with breasts pictures

Ariel Wayz is a promising young female artist. She is doing what is seen as tabboo...

“ It was not my intention to work with Papa Cyangwe” Rocky...

After parting ways with Rwandan rapper Papa Cyangwe The Rocky Entertainment Boss...

The Theft ended Papa Cyangwe's 1 contract with Rocky Entertainment

For the first time, Rocky Entertainment, represented by Rocky Kimono, has announced...

Rwandan rapper, Papa Cyangwe has released a new song after...

By Niyonkuru Augustin Rwandan rapper Papa Cyangwe has just released out a new song...

Yolo The Queen Shared The most spicy Self-Photos celebrating...

The most influential Yolo the Queen shock her followers on social Medias after sharing...

Kigali Arena: King James was able to dive the crowd unto...

Singer King James has once again shown that he is still popular and that many are...

Fantasy Music Concert: Rick Hassan gave all of his potential

The show was expected to be filled with spectaculars but few attended.

Kenya :Kofi Olomide’s live concert has been Cancelled and...

Koffi Olomide will not perform in Kenya.