Jay Polly and the other 12 caught with cocaine having broken the measures of Covid-19 prevention

Last week’s Friday, Rwandan Police caught Jay Polly and other 12 people at Jay Polly’s house(In Kibagabaga) having broken the measures of preventing covid-19 pandemics and it was realized that there was cocaine and puturi(A potion said to be used in increasing sexual desire for male).  

Apr 26, 2021 - 06:03
Apr 26, 2021 - 06:05
Jay Polly and the other 12 caught with cocaine having broken the measures of Covid-19 prevention

Among the 12, there was a medical doctor who forged the medical proof of covid-19 test showing that the results of the test were negative. This doctor is among the doctor's team that firstly found a covid-19 patient in Rwanda back in 2020’s March.

“I really regret the mistake I did since I endeavored since day one” Jay Polly announced. 


However, he says that he doesn’t even have a clue on the drugs such as cocaine of which he is accused as long as where those people came from heading to his home while he wasn’t there but at the studio in his career deals.


“There was only my young brother at home when I went to the studio to deal with Tanzanian and American who wanted me to advertise for them. On my return, I found strangers at my house.” Jay Polly added.


The act of presenting them to the press was held at Kigali’s Head-quarter of Police at Remera station where CP John Bosco Kabera reminded Rwandans to keep on preventing the Covid-19 pandemic.